de desembre 10, 2006


The courses announced in our latest program to begin last november have been postponed until february 2007. We are sorry about having set out a false alarm but our little crew had to follow other obligations, such as work for money with extremely tight deadlines. We hope these to be understandable enough reasons. However this also means a little extra cash to pour into the association's infrastructures, which as you very likely know, are in bad need of repairing (equipping the workshop with a sink, handrail in the access area, etc.)
The monthly fee for the ceramics course will be of 45Eur for members and 50 Eur for non-members. In both cases, there is an additional cost for materials which is estimated at 12Eur/kg of finished work. The classes will be 2 hours a week ceramics plus a half hour drawing for design also per week.

Thank you for your understanding!

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