de juliol 31, 2007


About landscapes and furniture: the multiple fields of michael kane

The pieces included in this show are the result of an insight into nature
as well as the implications of human life. Michael Kane is an explorer of
frontiers and all his work is based on an active research of materials and
objects tuned to the marvelous song of this planet. In this world, there are
no prefixed limits between sculpture and furniture, they fuse and remind
the observer/ user of the proximity and perfection of our world .

michael kane's show "landscape furniture" starts at 20 hs on the 10th of august, you are welcome to come and have a look.

de juliol 24, 2007

algunes imatges de l'exposició d'en geoff moore, fotos d'en andrew montfort

images of geoff moore's exhibition, pictures by andrew montfort

de juliol 22, 2007


el 20 de juliol inaugurarem la mostra de ceràmica d'en Geoff Moore a la galeria de SERPMOIXSERP. aquesta mostra inclou peces decoratives amb un disseny atractiu i un toc d'innegable subtilesa. La exposició es podrà visitar fins al 05.08.2007, com sempre de dijous a diumenge entre les 17 i les 20 hores.

on the 20th of july we opened the ceramics exhibition b
y geoff moore at SERPMOIXSERP's gallery. This show, which includes subtle decorative pieces, can be visited until the 05th of august as usual from thursday to sunday from 17:00hs to 20:00hs.

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